Beyond Shame Read online

Page 16

  He slid his free hand down her back. "Shh. Just ride it, Noelle."

  Somehow, Lex was on her knees now, her lips pressed close to Noelle's ear as Dallas stroked her back with the same soothing possessiveness alive in every touch of Jasper's fingers.

  There was no choice for Noelle but to ride it, to tremble as the waves gentled to rolling swells, and the spasms came farther and farther apart. Her head drooped, but Dallas wrapped his hand in her hair and tugged gently, guiding her chin up until her neck was arched under Lex's lips. "She's ready," he murmured, looking past her to Jasper.

  She wet her lips. "Ready for wha—?"

  He growled and moved his fingers again, pumping them in slow, sure strokes. "For this."

  Pleasure, which had been a lazy, sleeping thing, roared up, dragging her right back to the edge. Dallas tightened his grip in her hair. "Does Lex have permission to leave marks?"

  Lex made a soft noise and nipped at Noelle's earlobe. "If Jas doesn't want me to, he'll have to stop me."

  Jasper groaned and thrust his fingers home—hard and fast. "Do it."

  Noelle didn't have time to ask what they meant. Dallas guided Lex's mouth to her throat with a rumbled, "Bite her," and Lex's teeth closed tight on her skin as Jasper twisted his fingers deep in her pussy. Pain and pleasure crossed paths somewhere in between and melted into hollow, blind need.

  She had time to anticipate it, time for her muscles to tense. Time for her body to teeter on the brink as she strained and panted and scratched her fingernails helplessly on the leather bench. Please was the only word she remembered, and it didn't matter if Jasper expected her to beg.

  She couldn't stop chanting the word, not until he eased another finger into her pussy and curled all three against her G-spot as he began to slowly pull the rest of the pearls out of her ass.

  If she could have gotten free she would have squirmed away after the first stroke. It was still too intense, more jolting sensation than pure pleasure. But every touch built on the last, and he had a sadistic sense of timing. Stroke. Tug.

  Stroke. Tug.


  She cried out when the third pearl jerked free, cried out as her entire body drew taut in the prelude to something massive. She closed her eyes and strained toward it, strained until she was stretched in all directions, trembling with a tension that would kill her if it didn't snap.

  Jasper pulled the finals pearls free, one after another, and she catapulted past bliss into oblivion.

  Lex lit a cigarette and watched Jasper as he stroked Noelle's hair. "Is this how she was with you and Ace when she got her tattoos?"

  "Close." So close, but even that couldn't compare to the open way she'd embraced ecstasy this time. Jasper had felt the difference, the absence of any sort of walls or space between them. "She's perfect."

  "Mmm." Lex took a deep drag from the cigarette and passed it to Dallas. "If I'd known, I would have tried to fuck her already."

  Dallas leaned against his massive mahogany headboard and eyed Jasper with a shake of his head. "You're a dumbass if you still doubt whether she's into it."

  "I never doubted that." It just wasn't that simple.

  "If you say so." Dallas dragged Lex up against his bare chest and offered her the cigarette again as Noelle murmured something and rubbed her cheek against Jasper's shoulder.

  Dallas's grin widened. "You coming back to us, kitten? You came so hard you passed out."

  Noelle made a grumpy noise and nuzzled her face against Jasper's neck. "I'm not a kitten. Or a princess."

  Lex nudged her with one bare foot. "Or a baby girl, huh?"

  Noelle huffed, but Jasper felt her smile against his collarbone. Whatever else, she liked the teasing, and the genuine fondness Lex obviously felt for her stirred his banked desire. Noelle had made passes at Lex while she was drunk or craving touch, but how deep did that attraction go?

  Lex caught his look and grinned. "Watch it, Jas. She needs to pace herself."

  "Pace myself at what?" Noelle twisted in his lap.

  Jasper drew the tip of his finger around her nipple. "Too much, too fast. You need a break, or you really will be finished...and I haven't kept my promise yet."

  She shivered, her nipple tightening under his touch, but she reached down, her fingers splaying across his cock. "What about you? Do you need to pace yourself?"

  Yes. The word tripped up on his tongue, and he guided her hand over his cock, a firm pressure that left him thrusting against her touch.

  Noelle smiled and peeked at Lex from beneath the tousled fall of her hair. "Can we have another lesson?"

  Lex's gaze was dark as she studied both of them. "If we both suck Jasper's cock, he might not be able to fuck you later. You gonna let Dallas do it instead?"

  Jasper growled and opened his pants. "I'm not a kid, Alexa, and I'm not Dallas. I won't blow just because you put your tongue on me."

  Dallas leaned over to snuff out his cigarette. "I don't know which one of you to spank."

  Jasper freed his cock, stroked it slowly, and watched Noelle. "What do you think?"

  She twisted to straddle his knees, flushed and beautifully naked and, for once, seemingly oblivious to it. She wrapped both hands around his shaft and studied it with adorable seriousness. "If you come now, will it be hard get hard again?"

  Just that bare touch made his balls tighten. "Right now? Hell, no."

  Her fingers trembled as she traced them up to the crown, then circled her thumb around the head. "How do I take him deep, Lex? How do I take all of him?"

  "I'd show you..." Lex leaned over and slipped her thumb into Noelle's mouth before slicking it over the head of his cock. "But I don't think he has a healthy appreciation of my talents."

  Jasper ignored the pleasure skating up his spine and wound his hand in Lex's hair. "Behave yourself, and you might end the night with a healthy appreciation of mine and Noelle's talents."

  "Don't waste your time, Jas." Dallas slapped Lex's hip. "She doesn't behave. Do you, love?"

  "For nobody but you." She stretched out on all fours, her ass high in the air. Dallas smoothed a hand over it and smiled at Jasper, looking pleased with himself and the world in general.

  Noelle seemed pleased by Lex's proximity too. She left one hand wrapped around Jasper's cock, but the other touched Lex's cheek as Noelle leaned in to kiss her. "Teach me," she murmured against the other woman's lips. "I want to make him come."

  Lex's dark gaze went soft. She wouldn't do it for anyone but Noelle, and the thought of that link aroused Jasper. The three of them could fuck without Noelle, but it wouldn't be the same as coming together to teach her, to show her the pleasure to be had under the right hands and mouths.

  "Suck me," he whispered, slipping his fingers from Lex's lips to Noelle's.

  Lex licked Noelle's mouth, all the while guiding her down toward the head of his dick. "Put your tongue on him first." Lex demonstrated with a long, slow draw of wet, pink tongue up the underside of his shaft.

  Jasper's breath caught, and he held it as he waited.

  Noelle's gaze flicked to his, and she smiled softly and licked the other side of his cock without tearing her eyes from his.

  He gritted his teeth as they ran their tongues over his rigid flesh, sometimes tangling together in an openmouthed kiss, but never stopping. When his cock glistened, wet and slick, Lex wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft and pushed Noelle's head down.

  Noelle didn't hesitate. She slid her lips around the head and suckled a moment, her eyes glinting with mischief, before she pushed lower, taking another two inches.

  Even in the hot grip of her mouth, Jasper found himself distracted by the sway of her ass in the air. Lex caught the direction of his stare, smiled slowly, and spanked Noelle hard enough to drive his dick deeper into her mouth.

  Oh, hell yes.

  Vibrations from her helpless moan fluttered her tongue against him. She flailed for a moment, hands groping wildly for something to cling to before f
inding his forearms.

  "Mmm." Lex laid her cheek on the back of Noelle's shoulder. "She likes that."

  Dallas rolled from the bed and padded toward the bulky mahogany cabinet pushed against the wall. "You gonna let Lex spank her?" he asked, glancing back at Jasper as he tugged open the doors. Inside lay his extensive collection of leather straps, whips and other toys, all expensive and most custom designed by crafters in the sectors.

  If Jasper said no, Noelle was liable to bite him. He opened his mouth, but all that came out was a groan, and he had to nod his assent.

  Chuckling, Dallas took down a leather crop with a square tip graced with a heart-shaped cutout and tossed it onto the bed. "Get started, Lex. I'm going to consider my options."

  She slipped the leather strap around her wrist. "Options for what?"

  "What you're going to do to her. And what I'm going to do to you."

  "Good." She traced the end of the crop over Noelle's ass, then wound a hand in her hair and pulled her head up gently. "Jasper's never hit you with anything but his hand, has he?"

  Noelle peeked at him as she answered. "No." She rubbed her lower lip against the underside of his cock and smiled. "His hand was impressive enough."

  Lex rolled her eyes with a grin, a tease meant for Jasper alone. "We'll have to get him one of these. Unless you'd like a paddle better..." The crop zipped through the air and landed on Noelle's skin with a smack.

  She jerked, her fingernails digging into his forearms as her lips formed a silent O of surprise. He'd seen the expression on her face before, knew that the excitement that accompanied her shock would have her pussy wet and clenching.

  He could draw her into his lap and fuck her, have Lex spank her ass in time with every deep thrust. Or he could let Dallas call the shots, exert enough power and dominance to get Lex off just as hard as Noelle.

  Dallas made the decision for him, sliding onto the bed near Jasper's feet to deliver a swat of his own to Noelle's ass. "Take his cock back into your mouth, kitten. Suck him deep." Dallas twisted his hand in Lex's hair and grinned at Jasper. "And Lex will do whatever Jasper tells her to. Won't you, love?"

  Lex muttered something, but her retort was lost to the roaring in Jasper's ears as Noelle obeyed Dallas's order, enclosing him in the willing heat of her mouth only to sink down until he bumped the back of her throat.

  "Jesus." He touched her head but didn't dare sink his fingers into her hair. He'd hold her there without even meaning to, and he knew it.

  "They make a picture, don't they?" Dallas's voice was raspy, his gaze intense as he clutched Lex's hair and stroked her bare hip. "Hit her again, Lex."

  She bucked against his touch. "I thought you said Jas was—"

  Jasper cut her off. "Do it."

  Lex practically hissed at him, but she straightened and brought the crop down on Noelle's ass—a different spot than before, and Jasper watched, spellbound, as the pale flesh reddened. Her ass wiggled as she squirmed, but her moans were muffled this time. Even with her body trembling, she kept working his cock, driving down far enough to gag herself before easing back.

  "Such a good girl," Dallas murmured, stroking up to tweak one of Lex's nipples. "Do you like that, kitten? Like how his cock feels, shoving so deep you can't breathe? Lex loves it when I fuck her face until she chokes on my dick."

  "You're lucky, Declan." Lex swung the crop once more, twice. "Any other man who tried it would lose some precious parts."

  Noelle moaned, her entire body rocking as she panted. "I like it," she gasped, raising her gaze to Jasper's. Her lips were swollen, her eyes glazed. Tangled strands of her hair stuck to her face, but she made no move to push them aside.

  She just stared at him, open and hungry and so clearly willing to take any pleasure—or pain—he offered.

  He could give her this.

  "Turn around," he rumbled, reaching for the leather crop. "It's Lex's turn. Dallas will show you what to do."

  Noelle eased around on wobbly knees to face Lex, who knelt near the foot of the bed. Dallas crawled onto the mattress behind her and clasped her inner thighs, pulling them wide as he lifted her to straddle his own spread knees.

  Lex laughed as she reached up and wrapped her hand around the back of Dallas's neck. "He's been waiting for this, baby girl." She licked her lips. "So have I."

  When Noelle hovered uncertainly, Dallas winked over Lex's shoulder and slid his hands up her thighs to stroke her pussy. "Crawl on over here, honey, but keep your ass in the air for Jasper."

  Noelle obeyed, going to her elbows in front of Dallas and Lex. Her ass was already reddened, except for the tiny heart-shaped spots of pale flesh left untouched by the paddle's cutout.

  Jasper rolled the long, thin handle up over the bowed curve of Noelle's back. Her pussy was wet, the swollen lips pouting for his touch, and he indulged himself by stroking one hand down the length of his erection before speaking. "You want me to spank you?"

  Her shiver made her entire body sway for him. "Yes."

  Dallas met his eyes and nodded once, silently giving him control of the moment. A rare concession, a true gesture of trust—especially since it was Lex in his lap, Lex he was turning over to whatever happened next.

  Jasper released a breath. "Lex left some beautiful marks back here. She deserves a reward, I think." He flicked the crop against the side of Noelle's hip. "Lick her cunt. Make her come and I'll fuck you."

  No hesitation. Noelle rocked forward with an eager sound as Dallas used his fingers to spread Lex wide. "That's it," he rumbled, his gaze fixed to where Noelle's tongue darted out in quick, nervous licks. "Lick her all up and down. But if you want to hear her squeal, suck on her clit."

  Lex choked on a moan and lifted her hips. "Slow and a little rough."

  Noelle obeyed as effortlessly as always, licking where Dallas told her to lick and sucking Lex's clit hard enough to set the woman thrashing in Dallas's iron grip.

  Jasper swatted Noelle every time Lex cried out, leaving red marks on her thigh, hip, and ass. "Dallas?"

  "Your girl's got a clever tongue no matter where she puts it." Dallas licked the side of Lex's throat with a rough laugh. "Tell him, Lex. Tell him how close you are."

  She whimpered instead, and Jasper caught only a glimpse of her glazed eyes as she turned to catch Dallas's mouth in a bruising kiss. But he'd seen her balanced on the edge of orgasm before, her restless movements and flushed skin, and she was close.

  Damn close.

  Jasper dragged the crop down Noelle's back and leaned away just far enough to slap the flared leather end hard against her pussy.

  Her reaction was everything he hoped for. Trembling thighs and a breathless moan, the wildest of her noises muffled as she—judging by Lex's indrawn breath—redoubled her efforts.

  Dallas broke their kiss with a rough laugh and curled his hand around the front of Lex's throat. "Look at those big eyes, Lex. She's got her face buried in your pussy and she's loving it. Maybe if you're good, Jasper will let you get your fingers in hers."

  "I'm always—" The strained words cut off in a violent curse and then a wail as her head slammed against Dallas's shoulder. She gripped the back of Noelle's head and shuddered, her chest heaving.

  Noelle hummed her encouragement, the same as she had with her lips locked around Jasper's dick, but her knees edged apart and her hips lifted, a silent, desperate invitation for him to spank her again.

  But he only leaned over her, his own body aching. "I promised," he whispered, then grasped her thighs and drove into her pussy.

  She was so tight. Hot and tight, her body gripping him hard and giving way with reluctance. Her head snapped back, lips parted on a silent cry that melted into a moan. "Oh...oh God."

  Jasper was vaguely aware of movement, of Dallas and Lex shifting on the bed, but his world had narrowed to Noelle. He dragged himself under control and rocked against her. "Yes?"

  "Not empty." Her elbows slid to the side, unfolding as she spread her arms wide and pressed her che
ek to the sheets. With her eyes closed and her lips parted, her profile seemed reverent. "You make me so full."

  "Gorgeous." He could fill her up even more, try out all the toys in Dallas's room. One by one, until he found the ones that made her scream.

  She shifted her hips restlessly, easing away and then back with a hiss. "Are you all the way in?"

  Christ. "Not yet, sweetheart." He rocked a little harder and she sucked in a breath, her fingers curling in the sheets as her pussy clenched, impossibly tight around him.

  "I want it all." She freed one hand and reached for him, her fingertips digging into his hip as if she planned to pull him into her by force. "Does that make me shameless?"

  "That makes you hungry." One more hard thrust buried his cock all the way inside her. "It makes you mine."

  "Yours." When she wrapped her lips around the word, it sounded like a prayer. The words that followed, though, were innocence corrupted. "I love having your cock in my pussy."

  He stilled with another groan. "So fuck it."

  Noelle peered back at him, her brow furrowing as she blinked her glazed, hungry eyes. "Fuck...fuck what?"

  Innocence wasn't his thing, but the way she combined it with a sincere and abiding lust intoxicated him. Jasper rubbed the back of his hand over her hip. "Move, sweetheart. You want me? Fuck me."

  Her eyes brightened with unfettered glee. She shifted her weight to her elbows again and rocked experimentally, only a few inches at first, but she still moaned as she shoved back, taking him deep. "I can fuck you," she whispered, repeating the movement. Her pussy gripped his cock, and she slammed her hips back, driving him roughly into her body.

  "Someone's finding her power." The words drifted through Jasper's haze. Lex, amused as always, but with an edge of something biting. Envy.

  Jasper glanced at the other side of the bed. Dallas had sprawled on his back with Lex on top of him, straddling his head and facing his feet—and his dick. Clearly displeased at her lack of focus, he slapped her hip and buried his face in her pussy.